Videos of Session 1: Visual perception
Semir Zeki
The parallel feed-forward inputs to the visual areas of the brain and their significance
J. Anthony Movshon
Brain mechanisms of visual form perception
Lynne Kiorpes
Development of global visual perception in macaque monkeys
Pieter R. Roelfsema
The visual brain’s cognitive blackboard
Videos of Session 2: Insights from whole-brain Imaging
Seiji Ogawa
Two features of BOLD MRI
Brian A. Wandell
Neural circuitry for vision and reading
Wim Vanduffel
Mesoscale functional magnetic resonance imaging at 3T in awake behaving monkeys
Gustavo Deco
Awakening: predicting external stimulation to force transitions between different brain states
Special addresses:
Boris Palmer, Mayor of Tübingen and Prof. Peter Thier, University of Tübingen
Nikos K. Logothetis
What is the brain state?