Two features of BOLD MRI

Two aspects of BOLD (Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent) signal in fMRI will be discussed, one for functional response and the other being related to basal metabolism. They must differ from each other in the signaling for controlling the bases of BOLD signals, although they share the same vascular phenomenon for MRI observation. The functional response observed in fMRI is the change from the baseline period. However, we know now the baseline period contains various “function” signals which appear at very low frequency as shown in resting state fMRI. Instead of simulating BOLD signal based on some assumptions of parameters, we tried to isolate the functional part of signals from the baseline in task based and without-task fMRI time series data. This will leave the basal signal without functional response in the non-task period that could be related to the basal metabolic state. This basal signal is yet based on vascular term and the non-vascular image is still not separated, In the map of the basal state, one may find non-functional physiological variation in the brain as compared with those at the functioning state. For fMRI, the most important factor is the tight neuro-vascular coupling. Without it, fMRI is not useful at all. Thanks to the contribution by Logothetis et al. Functional MRI can tell where the action is in the brain by BOLD signal changes which are associated with the synaptic and neuronal firing activities. However, such MRI signal does not tell the information content of the processing by the assembly of tens of thousands of neurons at the site even they may be acting coherently. This lack of information content of neural processing is not limited to fMRI and is the same to EEG or MEG signals.  It has been a dream, but getting close to reach, to detect or the information content of the output activity of the functioning site so that one can tell the precise specificity of its function. This seems possible to see in the output layers of a cortical area, according to recent reports with optogenetics in which the pyramidal cell firing in the layer was shown to be the major factor for coupling to BOLD signal in the layer.